About Elly

About the Author


Elly Stevens was born and raised a city girl in Rochester, New York, in a family of story-tellers. "Remember when..." were often the first words at every family gathering. At a very early age, Elly was writing fictional stories and scripts with characters from the 1950s TV shows like The Thin Man for her and her friends to act out. In her teens at Nazareth Academy, she worked on the staff of the high school's literary magazine, Spectrum. Following her dream of writing, she joined the Publications group at Eastman Kodak Company where she held several positions including technical editor and the consumer-relationship management (CRM) team project manager for KODAK Digital Camera e-mail marketing campaigns. It wasn't until a former co-worker, Joe Janowicz, contacted Elly to edit his first novel, BANG-BANG, YOU'RE DEAD in 2018 that she picked up writing again. Her first book, a memoir, SEARCHING FOR SERENITY IN MY CRAZY LIFE, allows a peek into many of the real-life experiences with her family and friends. 

Her second book, a novel, DANGEROUS PASSION, is a story of relationships, choices, passions, and ultimately...murder. Sue Gainer, an important character in this story, returns in Elly's third book, MURDER ON THE ERIE CANAL.
Sue learns the ropes as a private investigator and finds herself in deep water with a killer.